Dates Set for CJSA Awards Dinner and Annual General Meeting

CJSA Awards Dinner

The Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA) has the dates set for its Annual President’s Awards Dinner and Annual General Meeting, with both events taking place at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel in Bristol, Connecticut. The CJSA Annual President’s Awards Dinner will be hosted on Friday, January 27th, followed up by the CJSA Annual General Meeting the next day.

“We are excited to honor all of our award winners and celebrate an outstanding year with the youth soccer community throughout Connecticut during our Annual President’s Awards Dinner,” said Josh Krusewski, Executive Director of the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association. “In a time when finding volunteers has become more difficult, we certainly should have an enormous amount of nominations from clubs who rely on volunteers to operate day to day.”

Each year, the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association hosts its Annual President’s Awards Dinner, where players, teams, coaches, referees, and volunteers are recognized for outstanding performances and contributions to youth soccer in the state. Applications for award submissions are currently open, and the deadline for nominations is Friday, December 30th. You can access the awards applications by clicking on their respective links below. If you have any questions about the awards process, please send an email to

CJSA Annual President’s Awards Dinner – Currently Accepting Nominations

CJSA Annual President’s Awards Dinner – Additional Awards

  • Young Male Referee of the Year – Chosen by Connecticut State Referee Program
  •  Young Female Referee of the Year – Chosen by Connecticut State Referee Program
  • Mark Wollman Referee of the Year – Chosen by Connecticut State Referee Program
  • ODP Female Player of the Year – Chosen by ODP Staff
  • ODP Male Player of the Year – Chosen by ODP Staff

Following the CJSA Annual President’s Awards Dinner, the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association will conduct its 2023 Annual General Meeting the next day, where it will host member leagues, member clubs, partners and key decision makers. At the annual gathering, CJSA membership will receive program updates and hear from candidates who are running for positions within its Board of Directors. Club and league leadership should have already received information regarding the 2023 CJSA Annual General Meeting, but any questions can be addressed by emailing

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