CJSA Hosting Spring State Cup Finals This Weekend

A Connecticut youth soccer team celebrates a State Cup Championship.

The Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJSA) will be hosting its Spring State Cup Finals this weekend, with games being held at home team venues. As those championship matches are played, the Connecticut Cup Presented by DICK’S Sporting Goods also progresses towards its final competitions for the season on Saturday, June 17th. The State Cup serves as a non-residency competition for premier teams, while the Connecticut Cup is a tournament created for teams that meet residency requirements.

“We are looking forward to crowning champions across both of our state-level competitions,” said Josh Krusewski, Executive Director of the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association. “By the end of this weekend, we will know who will represent Connecticut at the East Region Championships.”

CJSA State Cup Championship Matches

12U Boys – Danbury AC CT vs. Revolution
12U Girls – CFC North vs. Hamden Ginga
13U Boys – Danbury AC CT vs. Chelsea Piers Napoli
13U Girls – Hamden Ginga vs. CFC North
14U Boys – Southeast vs. Danbury AC CT
14U Girls – Yankee United vs. Chelsea Piers Nice
15U Boys – Sporting CT vs. Hamden Ginga
15U Girls – Ole vs. Chelsea Piers Brugge
16U Boys – Danbury AC CT vs. Sporting CT
16U Girls – Hamden Ginga vs. Danbury AC CT
17U Boys – Danbury AC CT vs. Inter FC
17U Girls – Sporting CT vs. Chelsea Piers Levante
18U Boys – Trumbull vs. Revolution
18U Girls – Danbury AC CT vs. NEU
19U Boys – Danbury AC CT vs. CT Rush
19U Girls – Southeast vs. CT Rush

State Cup champions at the 12U level and above will be eligible for the US Youth Soccer (USYS) Eastern Regional Championships this June in Loudoun County, Virginia. Regional winners then move onto the USYS National Championships at the Disney Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Florida. The Connecticut State Cup is part of the USYS National Championship Series, which is the country’s most prestigious national youth soccer tournament.

After the CJSA State Cup Finals are played this week, the Connecticut Cup Presented by DICK’S Sporting Goods will soon host its final round of competition on Saturday, June 17th. The Connecticut Cup is made available to teams playing in the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association that meet residency requirements. The Connecticut Cup is played in the spring for boys and girls teams in the 11U and 12U (9v9), 13U to 17U and 19U age groups. During the fall season, the Connecticut Cup is hosted for boys and girls teams in the 11U and 12U (9v9), 13U, 14U and 15U age divisions.

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